Thursday, May 17, 2007

Memorial Day Fiesta!


1. If you haven't made plans yet, you should definitely plan on coming to the first annual...

Memorial Day Fajita Fiesta!!

Date: Monday, May 28
Time: 3:00 PM
Where: Home of Nick and Sarah Wear
1370 The Kings Court, 40515
Who: Young Adult Group. Children Welcome!


I'll be preparing a menu featuring steak and chicken fajitas on the grill, homemade Mexican rice, homemade guacamole and Nick's famous margaritas! The way I would like to set this up is to have a list and everyone sign up for 1 or 2 things. We will need:

2-3 packages small tortillas
Grated cheese (cheddar or cheddar jack)
2 large onions
1 pint of sour cream
4 limes
4 lemons
2 green bell peppers
2 red bell peppers
2 yellow bell peppers
5 avocados
4-5 vine ripe tomatoes
1 bunch cilantro
1 jalapeƱo
1 or 2 bags of ice

Also, we need one or two people to make a dessert (whoever volunteers first gets it!), and one person to make a fruit salad or fruit tray.

Please e-mail or call me with what you would like to bring and I'll put you down. If you have any questions just ask!!!

Sarah Wear

2. Ultimate Frisbee

We have decided to extend an invitation to the entire church, so the youth and hopefully some others will join us. Mark Monday nights at 7 pm on your calendars! Meeting place: church.

3. Wed. Night Dinners

The last church-wide dinner is next week, and it is a free cook-out. I challenge people to invite a friend or two. The best way to get people to join our church is a personal invitation.

The first young-adult dinner is May 30. This will be a planning dinner, where we will pick out what we want to study, how often we want to meet, and what we will eat all summer.
So mark it on your calendars:

Wed, May 30
6:15 PM
Dan and Rebecca Dekker's backyard, picnic table.
2341 Tucson Dr.
Lexington, KY 40503

Children are always welcome, of course.
I will provide the first dinner, so let me know if you're going to be there! After that, we will start a pot-luck style meal, with people taking turns bringing a main dish, a fruit, and a veggie.

Prayer Requests:
Please see Les's post below.
Also, continue to pray for the Kazee's, and our soldiers in Iraq-- Gordan Dame and Josh Thomas.

1 comment:

Young Adults said...

I do have to say that Sarah's mexican food cooking abilities are amazing, so BE there! Dan and I are driving all the way from Michigan just so we can eat her cooking!