Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Guess who?

Can you guess who some of us managed to get a photo-op with at last week's UK baseball game? Hint: His name starts with a B.

  • We had 8 people show up at frisbee this Monday... that's great! Let's see if we can invite more people personally to come.
  • Don't forget the Memorial Day cookout (see most recent post)
  • Our group dinner will start next Wed, May 30th (see most recent post).

Prayer requests:

  • Our bible study this summer
  • VBS (coming soon!)
  • Ann and Jason (they're getting closer to the due date!)
  • Josh and Gordan (soldiers)
  • Les (in Hazard), Sarah (in E-town), Sarah (moving to Florida soon), and Joey and Rachel (in Scotland)
  • Thomas H., a colleague of Maggie's, who lost his father to cancer last week. Thomas and his wife have >1 year old twins.
  • Shannon and Ryan (Rebecca's sister and brother-in-law) are serving as missionaries in Romania for 4 months. Pray that they will be a blessing to those that they meet and that they will be blessed in return. Romania is not a friendly culture to be in...people there generally don't like strangers (or each other).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Memorial Day Fiesta!


1. If you haven't made plans yet, you should definitely plan on coming to the first annual...

Memorial Day Fajita Fiesta!!

Date: Monday, May 28
Time: 3:00 PM
Where: Home of Nick and Sarah Wear
1370 The Kings Court, 40515
Who: Young Adult Group. Children Welcome!


I'll be preparing a menu featuring steak and chicken fajitas on the grill, homemade Mexican rice, homemade guacamole and Nick's famous margaritas! The way I would like to set this up is to have a list and everyone sign up for 1 or 2 things. We will need:

2-3 packages small tortillas
Grated cheese (cheddar or cheddar jack)
2 large onions
1 pint of sour cream
4 limes
4 lemons
2 green bell peppers
2 red bell peppers
2 yellow bell peppers
5 avocados
4-5 vine ripe tomatoes
1 bunch cilantro
1 jalapeƱo
1 or 2 bags of ice

Also, we need one or two people to make a dessert (whoever volunteers first gets it!), and one person to make a fruit salad or fruit tray.

Please e-mail or call me with what you would like to bring and I'll put you down. If you have any questions just ask!!!

Sarah Wear

2. Ultimate Frisbee

We have decided to extend an invitation to the entire church, so the youth and hopefully some others will join us. Mark Monday nights at 7 pm on your calendars! Meeting place: church.

3. Wed. Night Dinners

The last church-wide dinner is next week, and it is a free cook-out. I challenge people to invite a friend or two. The best way to get people to join our church is a personal invitation.

The first young-adult dinner is May 30. This will be a planning dinner, where we will pick out what we want to study, how often we want to meet, and what we will eat all summer.
So mark it on your calendars:

Wed, May 30
6:15 PM
Dan and Rebecca Dekker's backyard, picnic table.
2341 Tucson Dr.
Lexington, KY 40503

Children are always welcome, of course.
I will provide the first dinner, so let me know if you're going to be there! After that, we will start a pot-luck style meal, with people taking turns bringing a main dish, a fruit, and a veggie.

Prayer Requests:
Please see Les's post below.
Also, continue to pray for the Kazee's, and our soldiers in Iraq-- Gordan Dame and Josh Thomas.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Street Sense by a Mile!

Well folks, the 2nd Annual "Silence Derby Festival" was a smashing success. 20 horses, 18 people, 2 dogs, and a 'veritable cornucopia' of good eats, makes for a good time. It may be worth reporting the end results of the betting:
  1. Jackson Silence & Street Sense took the coveted "Special Dark" bar.
  2. Dan Dekker & Hard Spun finished a close second for the "Nestle Crunch."
  3. Yours Truly (Les) & Curlin rounded out the Confection Trifecta for the ever popular (& since missing) Butterfinger.

I have some pictures from the festivities, although my camera's unwillingness to shoot close shots means I don't have many to share. Most of the pics I took are of the Silence children. We should all be blessed with photogenic children.

News of Note:

  • Nick & Sarah W. have volunteered to host a Memorial Day Fajita Fest at their home (tentatively titled "Remember the Alamo," perhaps?). More info to come...

  • Congratulations to Sarah L. for graduating with her Master's degree from UK's College of Music. (I know she studied Opera, but I don't know what the actual degree title is. Suffice it to say that she is truly a Master of Opera.)

  • Sarah is also starring as 'Jeanie,' in the world-renowned Stephen Foster History / Musical this summer in Bardstown. If you're not familiar with the story, Jeanie is the proverbial girl of Stephen Foster's dreams, and the subject of several of his famous songs. Mucho Congratulations.

  • Congratulations to Ben on his mom's graduation from UK's College of Nursing with her PHD. (They grow up so fast, don't they Ben?)
  • Along similar lines, Les's sister Bethany will be graduating from Georgetown College this weekend with a major in Psychology, just in time to help him with some therapy.
  • Maggie's mom will be ordained in the Presbyterian church to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament this summer! She graduated last year with her Masters in Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary, and has been serving as a hospital chaplain.

  • Following dinner on Wednesday, we will be continuing our series of meetings about the future of BPC. Last week's meeting was very revealing, and very reassuring, in that many of us felt similarly about our visions for the church.
  • Dan & Rebecca have offered to extend Wednesday night dinners through the summer by hosting a weekly potluck & Bible study for the Young Adults. Again, more info to come...
  • The new couple we've seen the last couple of weeks at church, Wednesday night dinners, and at the Derby Party is Rachel & Joey. They are friends of Les & Maggie's from UK Law. If you haven't had a chance to introduce yourself & chat with them, you should do so. They're good people!
Prayer Requests:
  • Summer travellers: Les (moving to Hazard for the summer); Rachel & Joey (fleeing the country for Scotland); & more as we confirm travel plans.
  • Ben as he prepares & takes final exams.
  • Sarah W. as she plans & prepares to study at Intermezzo over the summer.
  • Thomas H., a colleague of Maggie's, who lost his father to cancer this week. Thomas and his wife have >1 year old twins.